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Keller Training Systems (KTS) is a renowned institution dedicated to honing the skills of high school, college, and professional athletes. With a mission to empower athletes to achieve greatness, KTS offers comprehensive training programs focusing on strength, power, speed, endurance, and more. However, despite its exceptional services, KTS realized the need to revamp its online presence to engage potential clients better and streamline the user experience.


The redesign process began with a thorough analysis of KTS’s existing website, identifying pain points and areas for improvement. Leveraging insights from user feedback and industry best practices, the following strategies were implemented: engage potential clients and streamline the user experience.

Custom specifications

Visual Overhaul: The website underwent a complete visual overhaul to create a modern, dynamic, and visually appealing interface. This included updating imagery, typography, and color schemes to align with KTS’s brand identity and evoke a sense of energy and athleticism.

Enhanced Branding: Emphasis was placed on reinforcing KTS’s brand identity throughout the website. Consistent branding elements, including logo placement, color usage, and messaging, were implemented to strengthen brand recognition and credibility.

Streamlined Navigation: The website’s navigation structure was optimized for ease of use and intuitive browsing. Clear categorization of training programs, client testimonials, and success stories ensured that visitors could easily find relevant information.

Compelling Content: Engaging and informative content was developed to showcase KTS’s unique training methodologies, success stories, and testimonials. This included incorporating multimedia elements such as videos and interactive graphics to captivate visitors and highlight the benefits of choosing KTS for athletic training.


The redesigned website launched with great success, resulting in a 94% increase in sales-ready leads within the first six months. This significant improvement can be attributed to several factors (click image below to enlarge):

Engaging Design: The fresh and exciting design of the website captured the attention of visitors, encouraging them to explore further and inquire about KTS’s services.

Enhanced User Experience: The streamlined navigation and intuitive layout made it easier for visitors to find relevant information and take action, resulting in higher conversion rates.

Improved Brand Perception: The cohesive branding and compelling content conveyed professionalism and expertise, instilling confidence in potential clients and driving them to engage with KTS.

Keller Training Systems

Keller Training Systems (KTS) is a renowned institution dedicated to honing the skills of high school, college, and professional athletes. With a mission to empower athletes to achieve greatness, KTS offers comprehensive training programs focusing on strength, power, speed, endurance, and more. However, despite its exceptional services, KTS realized the need to revamp its online presence to engage potential clients better and streamline the user experience.

ClientKeller Training SystemsYear2023AuthorKawtar ZenbiliServices OfferedWeb RedesignShare
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